Thursday, July 26, 2007

Touchdown in Bali

Thanks y'all who came to the dinner at Picaro. It was good to see everyone. It was quick... sorry about that. I originally thought my flight was at midnight. I'm a big flake. The flight did end up delayed by a little over and hour which was getting my slightly concerned about catching my connection in Sydney. I didn't book the flights together so I had to do a full entry into Australia (stamp in the passport and all) and a full exit from Australia (stamp in the passport and all.)

I hate 5 hour flights. They're a pain in the ass. They feel like they should be short and I'm never mentally prepared. Set me up for a 14 hour flight and I treat it like a big deal, I take off my shoes, I nap and read and nap some more. I make it work. I figured it might be horrible but it worked out just fine. I spotted several kids on the plane who still hadn't finished their Harry Potter. Shame. They had a whole 4 days already.

A few things struck me as different about Sydney right away. Firstly, the Soy Chicken flavoured chips in the vending machine. Secondly, how nich and chill all the airport security people were. They didn't have rods up their collective asses like the TSA folks back home tend to do. Thirdly, holy crap, at the Sydney airport they make you walk through a big duty free shop just to get to your gate. It's like trying to go the the Pretzel place at the mall and having to walk through two floors of JC Penney in order to get the the center of the mall where the little stores are.

I did like the outdoor observation deck at the airport. I had a little bit of time and made my way up there for a few photos.

Flying over Australia is crazy. There's nothing there. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Well, dry stuff and the occasional canyon. I mean, I knew all this conceptually but it's different to see it from the air. It'll be a whole new ballgame when I get to Alice Springs... hopefully later on in the trip.

For ten years now I've been telling the story of me on Bali with dreadlocks in 1997. The locals often didn't have anything to associate with my hair other than "Hey. Bob Marley!!!" Fast-Forward ten years... I just paid my $25USD for my on-arrival visa and was getting my passport stamped by the passport stamping guy when he looked up and made to say something... oh boy, I'm staying too long? Oh no, I'm denied a Visa... no... "Reggae? Bob Marley?" :) Oh boy. Image is evetything. I need a guitar to travel with and just sit on the corner playing "No Woman No Cry" or something... that way I'll fit into everyone's world view. It doesn't help that one of the two shirts I brought is my Augustus Pablo shirt. Yeah Melodica.

The taxi to Raja Gardens cost 60,000 Rp. about $7. It was a good 15 minute ride. In SF that woulda been $50 probably. Like to the airport. I showed up at Raja Gardens and settled into a nice room with a mosquito net, some power outlets (charge camera! charge iPod!) and a shower. A shower felt amazing after all that flying. Brushing the ole teeth wasn't too bad either. It's just mad chil here. So many smiles from the locals. I went for a 40 minute walk on the beach amongst tons and tons of youth playing soccer and German and French (assumedly) men strolling around looking white and showing off their package in swimwear that I'm just not used to anymore after all this time in the US.

The water is warm. So warm. I can't wait to go for a swim and try surfing and snorkeling and all that stuff. I didn't feel up for a swim and there were signs about strong current. Anyway, I was just going for a stroll and then quickly cruising for internet and food.

Nasi Campur, here I come.

Tomorrow Ali should be getting here. Saturday, Johanna and Nick should arrive from Tokyo. Ali is Nicks friend, I think from college. She's doing Bird Flu work out this way (Jakarta I think) and is coming down to Bali to hang with the crew. I think we're gonna go surfing tomorrow. We'll see how that turns out. Also, my Dad and his wify Hilde will be out sometime as well... Saturday or Sunday, I forget.

Ok, Mad Hungry. I'm off.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Finalize the Packing, OMG

Holy Crap, where the hell did I put the battery charger for the GX100 that I unplugged last night? Is my bike really gonna fit in that storage unit? Do I bring the Camelback bladder and a Nalgene and a collapsible 1L platypus, or 2 Nalgenes and the Camelback or maybe just a gallon milk jug? Do I haul that other lens? How about this lens? Do I really want a lens hood? Where did that blasted iPod cable go? Oh crap, I forgot to try to give away all this crap when I had the party...

The Party... yay, the party. Thanks for coming out everyone. The early ones. The late ones. Steve and Liz for the awesome merino wool zip jacket... it kicks ass, I've been wearing it for the past two days. It's coming with me. Awesome choice. It's good to get people together... I always have a hard time getting it all together unless there's some momentous type of situation... Thanks to Dee for borrowing my camera for the night and taking pictures when I was too busy. Win Win situation :) Thanks for everyone who eventually made food happen... I was so scattered, forgive me. I though everyone would just drink away their hunger... Thanks to Colin for putting up with my crap ;)

Thanks to David for helping me carry some more things to the storage unit yesterday. You're a hero.

Oh man... not a lot of time for this writing stuff right now... I intend on doing a lot more if it later on though :)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Eve of the Going Away Party

I'm sitting at home on a Saturday night packing up some boxes, packing up a backpack, researching insurances, and train networks on Java.

Ten years ago after my Sophomore year at Virginia Tech my Dad invited me and my sister to Bali. He lives in Germany so we don't see each other all that much. We celebrated his 50th and her 18th Birthday. Fast-Forward to 2007 and Pop's is at it again, inviting me, my sister Johanna, and her boyfriend Nick to Bali to celebrate the 60th and the 28th. They're gonna be there for a month.

My friend Brad lives in Perth, Australia and I've been meaning to go visit him for several years now. Indonesia isn't that far from Australia. I figured I'd go see Brad as well. Ok, so turn that month away into... hmmm.. 1.5 months.

I want to see Eastern Australia as well... hmmm... 2 months.. New Zealand... 3 months... hell, while I'm at it... Southeast Asia... 5 months... what next? I don't know, but I'm sure it'll be very entertaining and eventful.

Right now I've got a flight to Sydney that leaves on July 24 and returns Feb 27. I have little faith in the Feb 27 date. Very little. I didn't plan this all out as well as I might have. Whatever. Dates get moved. I also have a Round trip flight to Bali that leaves 4 hours after I get to Sydney and returns on the 23 of August.

Loose plans are to get to Jakarta at some point. Bali's a fine island but I head the hiking in Central Java is very nice and I'd be very unsatisfied having seen only Bali again.

(Aside: As I typed 'Bali' in the sentence above the word Bali was uttered by the woman singing The Magnetic Fields' "Zebra" from 69 Love Songs, disc 3, 1 min 27 sec from the start. i'm right in sync. back to the program)

So I'm still in San Francisco for a few more days. Work has been quit. The apartment is being moved out of. I'm spending time with friends... so much that I'm now having to catch up with to-do's on saturday night. It's good. I want to feel prepared. The last day here will be stressful anyway. Even if it's just spent lazying around Dolores Park.

Tomorrow's a party. Hopefully people show up. I think it'll be fun.

for those of you looking at the timestamp on this, i originally posted in on, but brad alerted me to the lack of anonymous commenting on that site so i moved it over to

Friday, July 20, 2007

Test, how's this working?

This is bunny. He's lifting Reid. They're dancing.
